Nowadays, most of us have a high-quality camera in our pockets at all times—our smartphones. And while you may not think of your phone as a “real” camera, it can actually be used to take some stunning photos, including street photography. Here are a few tips on how to take beautiful street photos using only your smartphone.

1. Get close to your subject. 

One of the great things about street photography is that you don’t need a lot of distance between you and your subject to get a great shot. In fact, getting close can often help create a more intimate and candid photo. So, don’t be afraid to get up close and personal when taking street photos with your smartphone. Just be sure to ask permission first if you want to avoid any awkward situations!

2. Use available light. 

Good lighting is key for any type of photography, but it’s especially important for street photography. When taking pictures outside, try to position yourself so that the sun is behind you and shining on your subject. This will help ensure that your photo isn’t too dark or too bright. If you’re taking pictures indoors, look for areas that are well-lit, such as near a window or under a skylight. 

3. Shoot in RAW. 

If your phone gives you the option to shoot in RAW format, do it! RAW files are larger than JPEGs, but they provide much more information and allow for more flexibility when editing. This is especially helpful when it comes to street photography, where the lighting conditions can be tricky. 

4. Edit your photos. 

Once you’ve taken a few good shots, it’s time to edit them! There are tons of great editing apps out there that will allow you to tweak things like exposure, contrast, and white balance until your photo looks just right. Try playing around with a few different apps until you find one that you like—and that produces results that you love.



With these tips in mind, go out and start taking some amazing street photos with your smartphone! And who knows—maybe one day people will be stopping YOU on the street to ask about YOUR photography tips…

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